
THC Gummies Legal? Texas Law on Edibles

Are THC Gummies And Marijuana Edibles Legal In Texas? Are THC gummies and marijuana edibles legal in Texas? While the state has not legalized recreational use of marijuana, it has decriminalized possession of small amounts of the drug. However, there is no law specifically addressing edible forms of marijuana, so the answer is not clear. […]

Is 18 USC 1507 Constitutional – Criminal Picketing or Parading

In Texas, it is a crime to picket or parade near a court house. This statute, 18 USC 1507, has been used to criminalize protestors who attempt to engage in First Amendment activity near courthouses. However, some Texas criminal lawyers near me argue that this statute is unconstitutional. What do you think? Is 18 USC […]

Discovery Demands For Breach Of Contract Disputes

Breach Of Contract Discovery Requests Interrogatories Contract Dispute You cannot do business without contracts and contract disputes are not unusual in the business world. In fact, business disputes happen even if the contract is well constructed and even if you didn’t do anything wrong, you may still face a lawsuit related to a contract dispute. […]

Marriage Green Card Attorney

Immigration Lawyer For Marriage Spouse Visa Immigration Lawyer With a marriage visa, a spouse of an American citizen can travel to the United States and eventually attain permanent residency. Foreign spouses that are already in the U.S. do not need a marriage visa but need to adjust their status to permanent resident status by getting […]

Immigration Lawyers in Houston, TX Free Consultation

Houston TX Immigration Attorneys Immigration Law Houston TX Immigration cases are often complex requiring the guidance of experienced and dedicated immigration lawyers. Your lawyer and your loved one can help you achieve your dreams of staying in the United States. It doesn’t matter whether you are facing a removal proceeding or even trying to get […]

Texas Warrants – Harris County Criminal Attorney

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Do you have a warrant issued for your arrest? What is a warrant, anyway? CALL (281) 853-8537 Essentially, a warrant is a legal document that authorizes the authorities to do something. There are many types of warrants that accomplish a variety of things. One of the most common is an arrest warrant. This is issued […]

Texas Steroid Laws

People often take steroids so that they can develop muscle mass and increase their physical fitness. Some student athletes in high school and college take steroids. But anabolic steroids are illegal per the Texas Controlled Substances Act. This means if you are in possession of anabolic steroids, you are subject to fine or arrest. And […]

Video Piracy, Illegal Downloads, Infringement in the Internet Age

Many describe the internet era as the wild west (when it comes to intellectual property). With P2P and sharing software making it very easy to share files online, illegal behavior on the Internet is common. Today, there are new state and federal laws that are cracking down harshly on such illegal behavior. Copyright laws have […]

Is Rooting a Phone Illegal in Texas? – Jailbreak a Cell Phone…

Rooting or jail-breaking a cell phone happens when you remove the operating system restrictions on a phone to serve your own purposes. Hacking an Apple product’s digital rights management (DRM) is known as ‘jailbreaking,’ and ‘rooting’ refers to doing the same on an Android device’s DRM. Almost all smartphones & tablets have DRM software installed. […]

What is Burglary in Texas? – Criminal Attorney

You may be charged with several types of burglary in Texas. Generally, the crime of burglary is considered separate from other types of theft crimes. The reason for this is burglary involves the action of entering a building with the intention of stealing the property of another person. Call the Houston Criminal Defense Law Firm […]