Online Solicitation of A Minor – Texas Crime Blog

Online Solicitation of a Minor charges occur often in many Texas counties. State, regional and local Internet Crimes Against Children or ICAC affiliates have been established and funded through the federal government, including the Department of Justice. Sex Crimes Lawyer – Practice Areas Indecent Exposure Online Harassment & Cyber Crimes Online Solicitation of a Minor […]
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Texas MIP Laws – Minor in Possession

Anyone who is under the age of 21 and found to possess an alcoholic beverage in Texas can be charged with Minor in Possession (MIP). Any minor who is near when alcohol is present can be charged with MIP. It does not matter if the minor did not actually purchase the alcohol. Also, it is […]
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Class B Misdemeanor in Texas
The Texas Penal Code classifies misdemeanors as Class A, Class B, or Class C according to the relative seriousness of the offense. Class C being the least serious offense and Class A being the most serious. Criminal defense law in Houston, Texas (281) 853-8537. Examples of Class B Misdemeanors 1st Offense Driving While Intoxicated Prostitution […]
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Deferred Adjudication in Texas, (Community Supervision)
Often times in Texas criminal law we use the term “Deferred Adjudication,” when what we really mean is “Community Supervision.” Criminal defense lawyer in Houston, Tx (281) 853-8537. You can find the relevant statute (linked & reprinted below) in the Code of Criminal Procedure. Art. 42A.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: (1) “Community supervision” means the […]
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Possession of Drug Paraphernalia in Texas | POCS

An arrest involving the possession of drugs in Texas can lead to a variety of criminal charges depending on the items seized by police. Houston Criminal Lawyer Dan Lazarine – (713) 224-4000 – Free Consultation. For instance, an individual could be accused of possession of marijuana, possession of a controlled substance, possession of a dangerous […]
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What Are the Texas Terroristic Threat Laws? Definition, Penalty…

Terroristic Threat – When is Making A Threat Against the Law in Texas? In Texas, making a threat against another person can lead to a variety of criminal charges, depending on the circumstances. Assault by Threat is an offense under the Texas Penal Code which can be charged when a person threatens another with bodily […]
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The Offense of Prostitution in Texas, Soliciting a Prostitute, Prostitution Stings in Texas

The prostitution laws in Texas are broad in that they cover both soliciting a sex act from another as well as agreeing to perform a sex act in exchange for a fee. by, Criminal Defense Attorney The prostitution laws in Texas also prohibit offers and agreements to engage in sexual conduct in return for a […]
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Texas Open Carry and Concealed Carry Laws
The offense of Unlawfully Carrying a Weapon in Texas covers several different weapons – handguns, a club, and certain “illegal” knives. By, Houston Criminal Lawyer . When Can You (legally) Carry A Weapon in Texas? That question is mostly addressed in Texas Penal Code Sec. 46.02 (referenced below). This statute makes clear that a person […]
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DWLI Texas | Driving While License Invalid

What is Driving While License Suspended or Driving While License Invalid? Criminal Attorney Explains – (281) 853-8537. When an individual possesses a Texas driver’s license and financial responsibility (car insurance) for his vehicle, he is able to drive a properly registered and inspected vehicle on our roads and highways. As long as that individual obeys […]
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Can You Refuse A Breathalyzer Test?
When an individual is pulled over and investigated for Driving While Intoxicated in Texas, the officer will usually request that he perform various field sobriety tests in addition to questioning that person as part of the DWI investigation. Houston Criminal Defense Lawyer, Call (281) 853-8537 If placed under arrest for DWI, the officer will request […]